Thompson Concrete

Thompson Concrete Retirement Plan

Welcome to this year's retirement plan update. The videos  provide information about the Thompson Concrete Retirement Plan in 2020-2021 as well as giving insights into the economy, stock market and presidential election moving forward. Below are some of the highlights and a link to access your account.

Account Access (Click Link): Nationwide 401(k) Website

Removal of Stadion Money Management: We removed Stadion Money Management as an investment option on the plan in 2020. Anyone utilizing Stadion was automatically moved into the Vanguard Target Date Fund Admiral Class based on their age. This provided employees with lower fees and higher returns.

Addition of RPI Risk-Based Portfolios: These were made available to participants at no additional cost to allow employees to invest based on their risk tolerance. The portfolios have all beat their industry benchmark with the aggressive portfolio returning 17.65% over the past year.

Economic and Market Outlook: The Economy has started a new expansion thanks to the fiscal stimulus provided by the federal government and the additional support provided by the Federal Reserve. We expect the market to be volatile in the short-term but positive overall in 2021.

Election Outlook: Certain market signals point to a win for VP Biden in November, but the lead is narrowing going into election day. Regardless of the outcome we expect the market to be positive in 2021. The worst outcome would be a contested election. In which case we expect to see the market dip until a winner is announced.
Each section of the video is broken out separately below for easier viewing of each topic individually.

Have a question about your acount?

Complete the below form with your contact information and question and Rich Myers will be in contact shortly. You can also reach Rich directly at 614-551-6155 or

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